Executive Director
(205) 985-7267 ext. 8
Steve Hancock
Licensing Specialist/Public Records Coordinator (Contact for questions about licensure applications)
(205) 985-7267 ext. 1
Mary Beth Finn, EdD
Financial Services Manager/Human Resources
(205) 985-7267 ext. 3
Donna L. Dixon, D.M.D., M.A., J.D.
Prosecuting Counsel, Red Tape Reduction Coordinator
(205) 985-7267 ext. 5
Kevin Lane
Compliance Director (Contact for questions about complaint process)
(205) 985-7267 ext. 6
Gina Latham, RDH
Senior Coordinator, Alabama Dental Hygiene Program gina@dentalboard.org
(205) 985-7267 ext. 4
Board of Dental Examiners of Alabama
2229 Rocky Ridge Road
Birmingham, AL 35216
Ph: (205) 985-7267
Fax: (205) 823-9006
For licensing and permit applications, please send to licensing@dentalboard.org.