Sign up for CE Broker today!

CE Broker is the official CE tracking system of the Board of Dental Examiners of Alabama. (LICENSEES MUST ENTER THE ENTIRE LICENSE NUMBER AS IT APPEARS ON THEIR LICENSE TO CREATE AN ACCOUNT.) As of September 1, 2023, all licensees must have a CE Broker account and by September 30, 2023 have uploaded one (1) year of CEs to renew his/her license.

Comprehensive Course Search

The CE Broker Course Search helps you find every course you need to complete your license renewal. Any courses with the "Take it Here" tag will be instantly reported to your account and appear in your Course History.

Helpful Support Center

CE Broker provides dedicated support 8 AM - 8 PM ET Monday-Friday with a team of experts trained on the rules and regulations of the Board of Dental Examiners of Alabama. You can reach them by phone at 877-434-6323 or via email and live chat available by clicking the HELP button on each CE Broker page.  Click here to create your free Basic Account.

Benefits of Using CE Broker

  • Track and know precisely how many hours you've completed and how many hours are remaining;
  • Available convenience features like a personalized transcript and a personal account manager;
  • Bring CE compliance wherever you go with the CE Broker Mobile app.
  • Training link from 1-11-2023 Video Training

General Questions:


Are there any required CEs for special permits?

OCS permits require 2 hours of CE every 2 years

How many years of CEs do I have to maintain?

Dentists/Dental Hygienists must maintain 2 years of current CEs available for Board audit.

Alabama Administrative Code r. 270-X-4 .04


How do I submit a request for approval of a CE course as a provider?

Click the following link and video:

Course Requests

Video on Creating as a Provider

To request a course approval, from the CE Broker home page, click "Company", then "Education Provider".  Choose Alabama and select the Board of Dental Examiners. There is a link for requirements. Click the button to "register" when all documents are ready for submission. (This option will create a provider account and will allow the provider to submit the course(s) for approval.)

As always, call 877-434-6323 for assistance.

How many CEs are required for a Dental Hygienist?

  • Dental Hygienists are required to have 12 hours of CEs yearly
  • Up to 6 hours can be  online/journals/publications
  • CPR and Infectious Diseases CEs are required every two years

FAQs for CE Broker and Continuing Education

Continuing Education:
1. How many CEs do I have to earn annually before I renew?

As a dentist, you must have a total of 20. As a hygienist, you must have a total of 12. Half of each total must be face-to-face.

2. How many years of CEs do I have to provide if I am audited by the Board?

According to Board Rules, a licensee must provide two years if audited.

3. Do Zoom calls and webinars count as in-person training?

No, they are not considered in-person training. In-person means taking place with people physically present together in the same location. 

4. Where can I find courses to take that are already approved?

CE Broker has a list of over 240 courses that are already approved.

CE Broker:

1. How do I reach CE Broker?

Toll Free Number: 877-434-6323

2. If I am trying to set my account up for the first time and it doesn’t take my license number, what can I do?

Go to the Board of Dental Examiners’ website at and on the home page choose License Lookup. (The CE Broker system is looking for the complete license number. Ex. H.000xxx)

3. Can I use my phone to create my class on CE Broker?

Yes, there is an app available for CE Broker (Education). The icon shows a green square with 2 check marks.


How many CEs are required for a Dentist?

  • Dentists are required to have 20 hrs of CEs yearly
  • Up to 10 hours can be online/journals/publications
  • CPR and Infectious Diseases CEs are required every two years

FAQs for CE Broker (continued)

4. Do I pay for the CE Broker account?

The Basic Account is free to licensees. Use the links on the Reminder emails to access the correct account.

5. If I have a multiple course transcript, do I have to enter each course separately?

There are two options to report multiple course transcripts:
Report multiple live courses using an AL Board of Dentistry Rule approved Association or College Transcript OR
Report multiple anytime courses using an AL Board of Dentistry Rule approved Association or College Transcript
(Examples: AGD/PACE and ADA/CERP)

6. How do I establish an account as a provider?

From the CE Broker Home Page (, Click on Company and then Education Provider.
Choose Alabama, Get Started
Then Select the Board of Dental Examiners
There is a link below that will tell the application requirements.
Click Register.
Complete all of information requested. Once you have finished, you will be established as a Provider.
Next, you will have to enter the course information and upload the required documents.
Once you have completed this step, the request will go to the Board for approval. You will be notified of the decision through CE Broker as well as to your email.

7. What designations indicate an in-person CE?

class, lecture, workshop, conference, and seminar with physical attendance

Continuing Ed Summary Updated 10-2023

CE Broker Manual