Licensure Applications

Complete, initial application packets for licensure are reviewed before and approved during the Board’s monthly meetings.  Once approved, applicants will receive notice by email of the approval.

Following Board approval, the jurisprudence test link will be emailed to the applicant. The jurisprudence test is given online and results are immediately available upon completion. Once the test results are verified by the licensing specialist, the license is issued and a digital copy of the license is provided via email.

*New licensees will receive their wall certificate via U.S. mail within two weeks of juris prudence test completion.

 These application forms are "fillable" but must be printed to be notarized, and must have the additional required documents and payment submitted as a complete package.

  • Special Purpose Dental License Application to Practice Dentistry Across State Lines can be requested from Board office  The practice of dentistry “across state lines” means a dentist who is physically outside the state, treating (including rendering a documented opinion regarding diagnosis or treatment) a patient who is inside the state, via the transmission of patient data; or who is holding him/herself out to the public as being able to do so. Ala. Code 1975, § 34-9-1(12)(a). 34-9-1 is the “definitions” section.


  • Retired/Physically Disabled Application

Rule No. & Title: 270-X-4- .12, Waiver of Annual Registration Fees When Retired Due to Age or Physical Disability

In order to qualify for the annual registration fee waiver, the dentist or dental hygienist's retirement must be due to either "age" or "physical disability."  In order to be considered, the licensee shall submit a completed request form to the Executive Director no later than August 1 preceding the license renewal cycle that commences on September 1 of the applicable year. (Each year, this form will have to be submitted to continue the retired status.)

Retired-Disabled Application 09-2024


  • Military/Spouse Portability Application

A Service-connected Practitioner who holds a license to practice dentistry or dental hygiene in a state other than Alabama will be granted a license to practice in Alabama if the service-connected practitioner:

a. holds one or more qualifying license (s), all of which are in good standing;

b. has, pursuant to the Qualifying License(s), engaged in the Active Practice of dentistry or dental hygiene for the 24 months preceding the Military Orders;

c. because of Military Orders, relocates his or her residency from a place outside of Alabama to a place within Alabama; and 

d. submits to the Executive Director a completed application, supporting documentation, and the processing fee prescribed in this Rule shall be issued a license to practice dentistry or dental hygiene, as applicable, in the State of Alabama. 

Military-Spouse License Portability Application-09-2024


Special Volunteer License Application:

Special Volunteer License 102024


HepB Information

Please ready the following information regarding the HepB requirement for licensing.

Hep B Protocol


Qualifications for Licensure Reference

Code of Alabama (1975) § 34-9-10
270-X-2.01 Education Requirements for Examination-Dentists
270-X-2.19   Licensure By Credentials
270-X-3.03 Education Requirements for Examination, Qualifications, Application, Examination and Licensure of Dental Hygienists


Permit Applications

Registration of 501(c)(3) Entities Operating Dental Clinics

Rule 270-X-4.10 requires that all 501(c)(3) entities register with the Board of Dental Examiners.  Please complete the form below and return it and the required supporting documents to the Board.  Please note that the form is also used for updating registrant information.  Please review Rule 4.10.

501(c)(3) Entity Registration Form


General Permits:


Controlled Substance Application:

Controlled Substance Permit APPLICATION 9-2024


General Anesthesia Permit (If you are approved for a GA permit, you do not need an OCS permit.) or Parenteral Sedation Permit:

PS GA Permit APPLICATION 120402024


Hygiene Infiltration Anesthesia Permit:

Hygiene Infiltration Permit Form-09-2024


Oral Conscious Sedation Permit Application:

OCS Application 09-2024

OCS Rule-Information


Portable Dental Operations and Mobile Dental Facilities Initial Application:

Mobile Portable Initial Application and Renewal Form


Special Teaching/Teaching Permit:

Special Teaching & Teaching Permit Application-9-2024



Drug Dispensing Log:

Drug Dispensing Log

Drug Inventory Log:

Drug Inventory Log - Sample