Click here to verify a licensee’s status



Pursuant to Code of Ala. (1975) §34-9-15(c)(1), a license or permit that has not been renewed on/before January 1st of each year is automatically moved to a “suspended” status.  The term “suspended” in the context of an expired license/permit is not a disciplinary action but merely indicates the license/permit is inactive as a matter of law.


Enter only first and last name of licensee (and "code") OR enter only 4 numeric digits of license (and "code").

*A code will appear on the online verification page for you to insert under "Verification Code".

If you wish to request any public file(s) associated with a licensee, please email your request to  This service is NOT available by telephone.


This verification of licensure is a public service provided by the Board of Dental Examiners of Alabama to assist you in obtaining information about dentists and dental hygienists licensed in Alabama.  Data are from the database of the Board of Dental Examiners of Alabama, may be considered the most current information available, and are considered primary source verification. However, the Board makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, as to any posted information, and assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions.

*This listing is not intended to serve as a practitioner referral or locator service, as the Board cannot recommend or endorse licensees. The information provided regarding a licensee or permittee does not constitute an endorsement by the Board of Dental Examiners of Alabama.


If you have any questions regarding the posted information, please contact Board staff at (205) 985-7267.